Magical Incense by David Lee.

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  • Aimed at helping you to create high quality magical incense

  • Suitable for the complete beginner and the advanced ritualist

  • Dave Lee has been making incenses since 1978 and in 1980 created Alchemy Aromatics in response to the demand for proper, traditionally-made incenses

Magical Incense by David Lee. The aim of this book is to provide the basic know-how required to start making high-quality magical incenses for ritual, celebration and meditation purposes.

It is suitable both for the complete beginner and advanced ritualist. Over 100 ingredients are introduced and over 70 recipes are given. For those who wish to formulate their own recipes, comprehensive Tables of Correspondences are included. The most comprehensive and complete book on the subject available.

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SKU: 997
GTIN (EAN,ISBN): 675235295356
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