COSMOS Organic Fennel Sweet Essential Oil 10ml

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  • Also known as Roman Garden or French Fennel

  • Predominantly used in skin healing lotions, anti-wrinkle creams & room sprays

  • A sweet aniseed like aroma with a peppery undertone

This essential oil is said to have been founded by monks and used for centuries as an ointment to ward off evil spirits & even improve ones eye sight! There are no evil spirits kicking around here so we use it in alternative formulations, such as moisturiser & skin healing lotions.

It is a common ingredient in anti-wrinkle formulations and fantastic when applied to creams that target eye-bags. There are 2 kinds of Fennel oil, both Bitter & Sweet. We only offer the most popular variety - sweet, which we predominantly supply to manufacturers of air-purifiers & room sprays for its sweet aniseed like aroma profile.

SKU: 292
GTIN (EAN,ISBN): 675235062781
 Back to: Pure Organic Essential Oils
Principal Constituents
Foeniculum Vulgare oil

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