Party Season - Top 3 Essential Oils to Help You Recover from Too Much Food!

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Here’s one last Party Season blend  - this one is designed to help you recover after you’ve overindulged at the dinner table. Click to read more. 

There’s one thing that the vast majority of us will be doing for certain during the Christmas period -  consuming large quantities of food!

An essential part of any family celebration, food is a great way to celebrate and share times of goodwill with your family and friends.

Abundance of food is certainly a great thing, until you come to that awful realisation that you’ve eaten too much and that you’re feeling bloated and lethargic! 

Help is at hand the natural way. There are many essential oils with carminative effects to help soothe the stomach and ease the digestion process.

A gentle massage over the abdomen using the right blend of essential oils can be a really effective way of relieving discomfort and it’s great to have a natural alternative to conventional treatments which can be harsh and have other side effects.

Here are three essential oils which you should keep handy at this time of year:

Ginger has long been used for its ability to soothe the stomach. It has often been used to treat motion sickness and will help reduce symptoms of bloating, nausea and excess gas. 

Fennel works as a natural and gentle laxative, carminative and diuretic. The fresh smelling herb is incredibly effective for treating various digestive issues. Sipping on a cup of fennel tea or gently massaging the diluted essential oil over the abdomen after a large meal will certainly give your digestive system a helping hand. 

Orange will help remove excess gas from the intestines. It is a natural diuretic so will help flush out excess toxins and help with water retention. It also helps the abdominal muscles relax, helping release gas and easing any abdominal pain.

You can diffuse or burn this blend but it’s probably more effective when used as a massage across the abdomen. Dilute with a carrier oil and massage over the stomach using circular motions. This blend should see you through two or three dinners:

25ml of carrier oil (you can use Sweet Almond, Coconut, Avocado oil, Grapeseed etc).

3 drops of Orange

2 drops of Fennel

1 drops Ginger

Try to drink plenty of water as well and give your body time to digest the food properly by resting for an hour or so after your dinner. Whether you're going for classic Turkey, something different like Goose or a good old Nut Roast, we hope you are able to enjoy and celebrate Christmas in true style!

This will be the last of our blogs for a little while. We’ll be back with plenty more great ideas for you in the New Year. Thanks for reading – don’t forget to check out our other blogs. You can click here or click Blogs at the top of the screen.   

All of us at Amphora Aromatics would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year :-)




Read 5270 times Last modified on Thursday, 16 August 2018 09:17

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Please note that Amphora Aromatics Ltd cannot be held responsible for any injury, illness or adverse reaction to any recipes, instructions or advice given. It is the responsibility of the end user to ensure that they have followed the relevant safety protocols and that they are aware of any possible side effects before use. We always advise that a skin patch test is carried out before full usage of any natural product whether purchased from ourselves or elsewhere.

If you are making a water based formulation for yourself or to sell then it’s very important that extremely high levels of hygiene are adhered to. Please also be aware that water based products will require some sort of preservative to ensure that they don’t spoil too rapidly. Once water has been included in a formulation bacteria can quickly form and spoil the finished product if preservatives are not used.

Some essential oils can be particularly hazardous for pregnant women. If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant then please ensure that you have carefully checked that the essential oil(s) you plan to use are suitable. We recommend that essential oils are avoided altogether during the first trimester of pregnancy. Products should be stored out of reach of children. If you’re planning to use essential oils during pregnancy or with babies or children then you should consult with a professional Aromatherapist first.

Some essential oils are flammable and can be hazardous to the environment. Please ensure they are correctly stored and are disposed of responsibly. We recommend that essential oils are never taken internally and that they should not be applied to the skin around the eyes and mouth.

Any information provided by us, whether online, verbal, via email or letter is not intended as medical instruction or advice. Please seek professional medical advice if you have any concerns about or problems with your health.