Caraway Essential Oil 10ml
Cleansing, soothing and uplfiting
Has been known to help combat mental fatigue
Sometimes used in massage to help ease an upset stomach
SpeciesCarum carvi
Extraction ProcessSteam Distillation
When burned or vaporised it can be useful for calming the nerves and soothing mental fatigue. It's also been recognised as a stomach settler when used in massage. read more
SpeciesCarum carvi
Extraction ProcessSteam Distillation
Traditionally used as a rub for tummy upsets.
Dilute in a carrier oil before skin application. Keep away from children and out of eyes. Do not take internally or apply undiluted to the skin. For further advice on using essential oils to treat medical conditions, we recommend you seek advice from a professional.
Please note that Amphora Aromatics Ltd cannot be held responsible for any injury, illness or adverse reaction to any recipes, instructions or advice given. It is the responsibility of the end user to ensure that they have followed the relevant safety protocols and that they are aware of any possible side effects before use. We always advise that a skin patch test is carried out before full usage of any natural product whether purchased from ourselves or elsewhere.

- Packing Group I, if they have an initial boiling point of 35°C or less at an absolute pressure of 101.3 kPa and any flash point, such as diethyl ether or carbon disulfide;
- Packing Group II, if they have an initial boiling point greater than 35°C at an absolute pressure of 101.3 kPa and a flash point less than 23°C, such as gasoline (petrol) and acetone; or
- Packing Group III, if the criteria for inclusion in Packing Group I or II are not met, such as kerosene and diesel.
Carum carvi Seed Oil